The floor is one of the two principal playing surfaces in a squash court. To replace a squash court floor is expensive, both in terms of capital investment and lost revenue during the replacement period. It is, therefore, common sense and prudent to maintain and repair floors diligently and regularly. This paper refers to floors laid in maple, beech and MDF panels (painted). Other timber floors such as pine boards or herring bone fashion pine blocks are occasionally found, as are floors in plywood and composition materials are not generally considered suitable for squash court floors.
Beech strip flooring is widely used. Beech strips can be easily recognised as they are in double widths and regular lengths. This timber comes in strips of 3700mnm long, 129mm wide and 22mm deep.
Slippery floors are probably the most frequent cause for complaint by players. The problem usually arises from one or more of the following conditions, all of which can be overcome.
Visible (sweat) or invisible (condensation) moisture, which settles on the surface of the court floors, rather than being absorbed by the wood and with a small amount of dust from the breakdown of the ball can cause a dangerous loss of traction both to players' footing and the ball. Any moisture on the floors should be urgently investigated, especially if there is any possibility of penetration through the roof, walls or floors. Never spend money on the inside of a court until the external shell has been proved watertight. Remember that the environmental properties of a squash court and the surrounds can materially affect the likelihood of moisture problems. Moisture on the floor is frequently exacerbated by sealed floors.
Court floors should be UNSEALED to lessen the risk of slipperiness. Historically, floors were sealed because most courts were built detached from club houses and/or were unlikely to be regularly cleaned. Players would, as often as not, walk from the changing rooms to the courts across wet, muddy or dirty car parks in their playing shoes, thus transporting undesirable material onto the court.Any sealant reduces porosity (the ability to absorb moisture rather than allowing it to gather on the surface) of timber; thus a sealed floor is inherently more prone to slipperiness than an unsealed one when affected by sweat or condensation.Floor treatment should only be carried out by a flooring contractor who has the correct type of equipment and who has proven experience and competence in treating squash court floors.
• Greater ability to absorb moisture
• Reduction in risk of slipperiness
• Provision of lighter coloured surfaces
• Preferred by competitive playersIF FLOORS ARE SEALED
• Better ability to repel stains
• In certain circumstances it may be considered preferable to apply a sealant
e.g. where access from changing rooms to courts requires an out of door transit resulting in dirt/grit being carried into the court area.IF IT IS DECIDED TO SEAL, THERE ARE IMPORTANT STEPS TO TAKE:
• Never seal an already sealed floor without sanding first
• Sand to clean white wood leaving a slight surface nap (60 grade grit has been found to be suitable)
• Leave no traces of paint, stain or dirt
• Clean the floor thoroughly, taking off all dust and dirt
• Check for raised nail heads, split boards and exposed tongues
Accumulated dust and dirt on the floor can lead to slippery condition. Regular cleaning of squash court floors is necessary to avoid this.A Vee mop with a cotton/synthetic head on a wire frame with a flexible head pushed across the floor will create static which attracts the butyl-rubber dust from the floor, this method will be found to be more effective than sweeping with a soft broom.In severe cases where dust has been allowed to build up, an industrial pattern vacuum cleaner should be used.If there is a persistent problem with dust, a slightly damp towel will remove the majority of dust from the floor. The towel must not be made so wet that it leaves traces of moisture on the floor. It is also important to clean regularly the adjacent areas such as the galleries, lobbies and corridors. It is advisable to supply mats immediately outside the court doors, which will help prevent dust and dirt being carried or blown onto the court.
The floor is sanded by running the sanding machine along the length of the court. The surface should be left with a slight `nap'.
Court floors should be UNSEALED to lessen the risk of slipperiness. Historically, floors were sealed because most courts were built detached from club houses and/or were unlikely to be regularly cleaned. Players would, as often as not, walk from the changing rooms to the courts across wet, muddy or dirty car parks in their playing shoes, thus transporting undesirable material onto the court.Any sealant reduces porosity (the ability to absorb moisture rather than allowing it to gather on the surface) of timber; thus a sealed floor is inherently more prone to slipperiness than an unsealed one when affected by sweat or condensation.Floor treatment should only be carried out by a flooring contractor who has the correct type of equipment and who has proven experience and competence in treating squash court floors.
• Greater ability to absorb moisture
• Reduction in risk of slipperiness
• Provision of lighter coloured surfaces
• Preferred by competitive playersIF FLOORS ARE SEALED
• Better ability to repel stains
• In certain circumstances it may be considered preferable to apply a sealant
e.g. where access from changing rooms to courts requires an out of door transit resulting in dirt/grit being carried into the court area.IF IT IS DECIDED TO SEAL, THERE ARE IMPORTANT STEPS TO TAKE:
• Never seal an already sealed floor without sanding first
• Sand to clean white wood leaving a slight surface nap (60 grade grit has been found to be suitable)
• Leave no traces of paint, stain or dirt
• Clean the floor thoroughly, taking off all dust and dirt
• Check for raised nail heads, split boards and exposed tongues
Accumulated dust and dirt on the floor can lead to slippery condition. Regular cleaning of squash court floors is necessary to avoid this.A Vee mop with a cotton/synthetic head on a wire frame with a flexible head pushed across the floor will create static which attracts the butyl-rubber dust from the floor, this method will be found to be more effective than sweeping with a soft broom.In severe cases where dust has been allowed to build up, an industrial pattern vacuum cleaner should be used.If there is a persistent problem with dust, a slightly damp towel will remove the majority of dust from the floor. The towel must not be made so wet that it leaves traces of moisture on the floor. It is also important to clean regularly the adjacent areas such as the galleries, lobbies and corridors. It is advisable to supply mats immediately outside the court doors, which will help prevent dust and dirt being carried or blown onto the court.
The floor is sanded by running the sanding machine along the length of the court. The surface should be left with a slight `nap'.
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